Category: Tips and Advice

Viet Nam Travel Tips For First Time Travelers

Vietnam Travel Tips For First Time Travelers

If you are seeking for the essential information for your first-time Vietnam trip? Or you once traveled to Vietnam, yet you still find this country has a lot more to offer? Then this post will provide you some helpful travel tips relating to SIM Card, Money exchange, and bargaining in Vietnam! SIM CARD Why do […]

Vietnamese coffee brands

Best Vietnamese coffee brands to buy home

Vietnamese coffee: Best brands for Instant coffee, Ground coffee and Weasel coffee. Walking pass Hanoi or Saigon streets, you will recognize the coffee drinking culture of Vietnam: from the streetside “phin” coffee in the Old Quarter to the iced coffee of Sai Gon. Among thousands of coffee shops and hundreds of brands, how can you […]

Hoi An, Vietnam

A western look on Vietnam

We all have some stereotypes about almost everything, Vietnam is also suffering from clichés. This article will show you that it’s much better to travel; discovering a culture by yourself, rather than blindly believe in others. You will discover some aspects of Vietnam through a westerner’s look. And realize that the reality can be different […]